Damage Spawner only plays once on enemies?

When I attack an enemy, the damage text only instantiates once, the very first time I hit the first enemy, and then never spawns again until I delete my save file.

This does not occur with the player, however, in which case the damage text spawns every time he takes damage.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RPG.UI.DamageText
    public class DamageTextSpawner : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] DamageText damageTextPrefab = null;

        public void Spawn(float damageAmount)
            DamageText instance = Instantiate<DamageText>(damageTextPrefab, transform);
using System;
using GameDevTV.Utils;
using RPG.Core;
using RPG.Saving;
using RPG.Stats;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace RPG.Resources
    public class Health : MonoBehaviour, ISaveable
        [SerializeField] float regenerationPercentage = 70;
        [SerializeField] UnityEvent takeDamage;

        LazyValue<float> healthPoints;

        bool isDead = false;

        private void Awake()
            healthPoints = new LazyValue<float>(GetInitialHealth);

        private float GetInitialHealth()
            return GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stat.Health);

        private void Start()

        private void OnEnable()
            GetComponent<BaseStats>().onLevelUp += RegenerateHealth;

        private void OnDisable()
            GetComponent<BaseStats>().onLevelUp -= RegenerateHealth;

        public bool IsDead()
            return isDead;

        public void TakeDamage(GameObject instigator, float damage)
            print(gameObject.name + " took damage: " + damage);

            healthPoints.value = Mathf.Max(healthPoints.value - damage, 0);

            if (healthPoints.value == 0)

        public float GetHealthPoints()
            return healthPoints.value;

        public float GetMaxHealthPoints()
            return GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stat.Health);

        public float GetPercentage()
            return 100 * (healthPoints.value / GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stat.Health));

        private void Die()
            if (isDead) return;

            isDead = true;

        private void AwardExperience(GameObject instigator)
            Experience experience = instigator.GetComponent<Experience>();
            if (experience == null) return;


        private void RegenerateHealth()
            float regenHealthPoints = GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stat.Health) * (regenerationPercentage / 100);
            healthPoints.value = Mathf.Max(healthPoints.value, regenHealthPoints);

        public object CaptureState()
            return healthPoints.value;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            healthPoints.value = (float)state;

            if (healthPoints.value <= 0)

I jumped the gun on this one - turns out its working just fine, its just that if I kill an enemy then no damage text spawns. I had my base damage set high enough to only need 2 hits to kill an enemy, and subsequent level ups would one-shot the enemies. I’m assuming this is because in health.cs, we have the Invoke occur only if the enemy would not die from the damage:

        public void TakeDamage(GameObject instigator, float damage)
            print(gameObject.name + " took damage: " + damage);

            healthPoints.value = Mathf.Max(healthPoints.value - damage, 0);

            if (healthPoints.value == 0)
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