CYOQ: The Quagmire

What’s the game theme ?
→ The player is a mental giant and so as his co worker and friend, they develop a facility in which soldiers can be trained to produce super-soldiers. His friend turns against him and humanity. He without letting the player know, increases the difficulty of hurdles placed in the facility to dangerous levels (also unleashes some killer bots) and tricked the player into the facility.

Image to sum up the theme of the game:

Who is the player?
→ Player is a great scientist and and I haven’t specified the name of the character so You can give the player your name. :slightly_smiling_face:

What is the threat?
→ Logically built hazardous situations and some killer robots.

What is the goal?
→ Survive till last by making correct decisions and solving puzzles.

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I love this concept a lot. So these super soldiers were supposed to be fighting for good but ending up fighting against humanity because of your co-worker? Why did he turn on humanity?

There may be a feeling of jealousy developed in him because he wanted full credits for a project but the world admired only the player.

Because of some reason I stopped in between but now I’m continuing this.

I hope you’ll like it when its complete :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh wow that’s a strange events of coincidence. I’m glad you are continuing with the project. I am so excited to check it out when it is complete.

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