CYOQ Challenge: Push Button

Theme: Surreal Horror

Setting: Small grey room with a wooden pedestal in the center of it. On this pedestal rests a red button with the word “Push” on it. There are no entrances or exits to the room in sight (until the player pushes the button).

Image that sums up theme:

Player: The identity of the player is unknown. What is known was that the player turned a corner while walking home and suddenly ended up in the room.

Goal: Push the button until an exit appears. Every time the button is pushed an event occurs. The goal of each event is to push the button again. Though that task in some events will be more difficult than others.
In each event, the player will have to make a choice. A wrong choice will lead to a “Bad End” in which the player dies in a surreal and/or gruesome manner.
Some choices will be vaguer than others and in certain events the most obvious choice won’t be the correct one. The player will most likely get a few bad ends in their first playthrough before they reach their goal.


Awesome job!

Thanks :slight_smile:

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