Cylinder guidelines and isometric perspective

I have two different questions.

  1. I don’t understand the cylinder guidelines, how do we know if the circle is out of shape?
  2. What exactly is Isometric perspective, I still don’t quite understand it.


The cylinder guidelines are just lines to roughly know if the cylinder is out of shape but its really down to the eye and practice to see where your main lines go so you can tell if its out of shape, Grant mentions this that his top is rather flat on his cylinder.

The isometric view means that we are looking from one perspective it elminates the distortion of a shape given by its true perspective.

Heres the free dictionary explanation :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I’m still a bit confused about isometric. So if I’m looking at a 3D image that doesn’t have 1pt perspective or 2pt perspective (or 3 and so on) does that mean that it’s isometric?

Also is it possible to mix isometric shapes into perspective drawings or does that just not work?

I think this might help a bit on the explanation.

Let me know if you have any other questions, Apologies for the link explanations but not sense in reinventing the wheel so to speak :slight_smile:

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Thanks! This is perfect :slight_smile:

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