Cycles settings

Can someone share optimal cycles configuration for Mud part of the tutorial? For testing while I am working with nodes not for final rendering. I can’t get same resault while I am working with nodes like on videos.

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The render settings really just come down to how long you want to wait for a render.
For Displacement: you need Expierimental mode on, and Subdivision in the render at 1px ( maybe 2-4 if your system struggles),
For Light paths: I’d go with 4+ glossy samples due to the reflections (you don’t any random black spots), I used 15 but that’s overkill.
Samples: As high as you can go, for hero renders I went with 4096, but honestly 500 is fine, unless you are doing animation, then you might get flickering.
Denoising: OpenImage Denoising for renders, Optix for viewport. Again, denoising can cause flickering during animation, if so, turn it off and look up Temporal Denoising, or just increase samples a lot.
Sometimes rendering at 200% resolution and resizing down can reduce flickering, but obviously increases the render time a lot
I’d suggest as a minimum 300 samples for stills with denoising at final resolution.
As far as not getting the same result, I’d have to see the render you got and probably your settings and nodes to figure why its different. Little changes can make a big different, but if it looks convincing, and you understood why you were doing things, then thats all that matters.


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