CPU: Intel I7 6700K 4.0 GHz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
OS: Windows 10 64 bit
A note for 1080 or 1070 users who have a CUDA kernal error (or some such), I needed to download the release candidate for blender 2.78 in order to get rid of the error. It’s working so far, but it isn’t a release build, so keep that in mind. It is available on the blender website.
Best Times are on the bottom of each compute type. I was really expecting amazing results compared to the 770 in the notepad, strange:
Times: CPU/GPU: Tile Size:
1:22.31 GPU 512x512
1:33.59 GPU 1024x1024
1:31.65 GPU 1920x1080
1:25.92 GPU 256x256
1:31.84 GPU 960x540
1:17.04 GPU 480x270
4:01.11 CPU 240x135
4:17.24 CPU 256x256
3:37.29 CPU 128x128
GPU in HW Monitor was running at 100% with a clock of 1924MHz. I walked away for the CPU renders, so I didn’t check it.
edit: After resuming the lecture, I figured I should try lower tile size for the CPU, results:
Times: CPU/GPU: Tile Size:
3:25.18 CPU 64x64
3:22.43 CPU 32x32
3:21.25 CPU 16x16