Cyborg War Dog with Materials

I’m enjoying the courses, but it’s my first time trying to post. Hopefully I’ve got this right!


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Yes all correct posting.

Interesting cyborg Canine. Though it walks upright.

A very inspiring piece of art for me. Well done! Looks pretty cool. How long are you using Blender?

Thank you! I’m slowly making my way through the courses I purchased on HumbleBundle. Love it, it looks to be a great and very supportive community!

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Thank you! I’ve actually used Blender off and on for a few years, but not for anything professional. I’m doing some of the courses here as a refresher. Everything I did for this cyborg is just basic shapes with loop cuts, insets, and extrusions, and then a couple of materials and lights applied. It looks more complicated than it is! Best of luck to you with Blender, it’s a great tool.


Oh okay, well it looks pretty damn good. I mean u say its not that hard, because of the few loop cuts and extrusions, but i think its not just that, its how u choose where to make a cut and where u choose to extrude. And of course its the coloring and rendering, that makes it such a cool render. What im trying to say is u set cuts on the right spots.
But thanks, im currently trying to learn blender, and with those courses its going well. May i ask, is blender a hobby for you or are you planing to use it professional?

I’ve been drawing for a long time, so I think that helps some. My best advice is to keep your eyes open for references - really nice video game or movie characters you like the look of, and try to imitate them. That can be robots, human characters, animals… anything, really. After a while, you’ll get a sense of what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll have an easier time making your own creations from scratch.
For me, it’s mostly a hobby at the moment. My husband and I are casually working on a video game in our spare time, so perhaps it will be professional one day!

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Yeah i draw a lot to and i noticed that it helps while sculpting. Well i wish u good luck with ur game and i hope it will be a big banger! :wink:

Thank you, and best of luck to you too!

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Amazing, well done!

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Excellent detail on this!

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Thank you! :smiley:

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