Cyborg Render

Updated it with a bit better lighting.

I had a lot of fun making this. I started by making the claws and I was just going to model a “normal” human-based cyborg. I tried extruding “antennas” from the head and they looked a bit like ears so it became this cat-like thing instead.
I am not completely satisfied with the proportions of the legs so I tried fiddling with it but I never got it quite right.

Overall I feel good about it though. A very fun first model to make.


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Rather too dark to make much out, but it glows very well!

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Thank you!

I’ve updated the image with better lighting and some information about the model.

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Great improvement!

I like the ‘on its toes’ style legs as well as the cat like head.

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the claws is so Sci-Fi!!! very cool :+1:

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