Cyber Girl Tilevania Project

I got to the springy thing and kept dying there…but I was able to get much further than before.

Also, it looks like you took the dog out. I think I remember there being a dog before.

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if thats level 2 with the spikes above you then you can only jump on spring once then land on platform. If you miss the target platform you need to get back to the ground and start again. If you bounce on spring more than once you gain too much height and get killed by the spike trap.

spring on level 1 is in case you didn’t manage to hack all 3 computer terminals

the 3rd spring level 2 is tricky you have to catch the moving platform above you to the right

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yeh i took dog out because it doesn’t work very well there. There are Cyberdogs later on in the game though.

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No, it’s the first springy thing in level 1. I’m not trying to be all, “Wah, it’s too hard for meeeee!” but I haven’t played games in a while so it is difficult. I either end up jumping over it and hitting the spike pit, or I boost up too fast and hit my head and fall into the spike pit.

I’m sure other people can get past it just fine. I don’t think it’s something that requires immediate attention. If other people can pass it, it’s probably just me and not the game.

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You just need to run jump over it just before. Make sure you have hacked all 3 computers first though. The spring is there in case you need to go back

Ahh, I would not have guessed that.

Your doing just fine

Very nice! Just thought id share the video that helped me a bunch in the past,
those gaps can be very annoying…
GL with your game! or the next ofc.

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Ive just fixed the dog from running backwards with a waypoint system rather than the periscope thingy.

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