"Curve to Generate Geometry" and "Curve Resolution"

Probably my base wasn’t the ideal one for this lesson due to it’s shape (probably with a cylinder it wouldn’t require so much geometry to achieve the same results), but, it was fun to do it this way nevertheless.

Curve to Generate Geometry:

Curve Resolution:


It would not have been a cylinder if I have the right lesson in mind. I think it would have been a plane circle.

Regardless, I don’t mind playing around with the options. Sometimes an unintended detour creates some good results. However, it might be worth a try to attempt what was done in the lesson. Then choose whatever base suits your fancy. :+1:


Well the result is good in the end but it feels a hard way to do such a simple shape. Cylinder size, inset, extrude a couple of times, and bevel the corners. Or extrude up from a circle.


Yes, a plane circle probably would be the better of the two options.

I also don’t mind playing around with the options, especially when it’s something that I’m trying it out for the first time. And, you’re right. I’m going to continue to use this base that I made on this lesson and make another one out of a circle, and compare it between the two.

And thank you for your comment!

I completely agree. It was quite hard and not the most efficient way to make this shape.

Like I mentioned in the initial post, my intended base probably wasn’t the best one for this lesson due to it’s simplicity and, with the cylinder, it can be achieved this same base, but with less geometry.

I’m planning to make this base again, but with those methods that you mentioned.

And, also, thank you for your comment!

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