Currently on mac. How do I drag the node to make the @onready variable appear?

If I drag the node, it just appears “$ExplotionAudio”. If I drag while holding down and click+drag the node, it just appears “$ExplotionAudio”. Is there a shortcut similar to that of the “hold control and click+drag the node” in mac? Thanks, I’ve already tried multiple buttons like control and command.


I unfortunately dont have a mac to test.

but from what ive read about the mac alternative and playing around with windows.

if you start the click and drag, then hold down Control during the drag then release mouse on the script it might work.

i did have issues when trying to hold down control first, but it would only work when nothing in the tree was selected.

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It looks like this not working on macOS was a bug. As of Godot 4.2 beta, hold down Command while dragging a node to add the @onready line on release within script. Confirmed doesn’t work in 4.1 so it’s a recent fix.

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On Mac, you need to start dragging the file and while dragging press cmd. Then it should work.

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yeah this works as of March 1, 2024

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