
I don’t know what it is about the switch statement but they just feel so awkward to type. I can hammer out an if statement in no time, but these switch statements require a lot of my focus!

Guess I need the practice.

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If you are using Visual Studio, you can also try using the Snippets - these will pop a basic snippet of the syntax in for you. It can of course take away from the learning/remembering a little :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the tip! But to tell you the truth, I think its the semicolons fault after defining the case.:thinking:

That key just feels foreign to me. :grinning: No worries though, I will master it!

whoops, I meant ‘colons’ after the case thanks Rob.

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I think its the semicolons fault after defining the case.

It would be, they are actually colons :smiley:

Keep at it, the more you use them you may find they grow on you… :slight_smile:

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