CTRL + . problem that worked for me

The solution that worked for me was to change the “omnisharp.path”: from “latest” to “” in the setting.json file and delete the 1.38.3-beta.31 folder in C:\Users{username}.vscode\extensions\ms-dotnettools.csharp-1.24.1.omnisharp

  • In visual studio code press CTRL + Shift + P
  • search for json and choose Preferences: Open settings (JSON)
  • change “omnisharp.path”: from “latest” to “”
  • delete the 1.38.3-beta.31 folder in C:\Users{username}.vscode\extensions\ms-dotnettools.csharp-1.24.1.omnisharp
  • Go to extension and install the C# v1.24.1 extension

Hope it helps someone. I searched for a while to find out this worked for me.

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I would give you a crisp high five and a pat on the back if I could. I’m so glad that now

A) I no longer get CONSTANT OmniSharp Errors


B) I can actually use CTRL + . now.

You are a real human bean, and a real hero.

Thank you!
I know how frustrated I was that it didn’t work.

When I found the solutions I wanted to help others that are bound to have the same problems I did :slight_smile:

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