Crouch Capsule Collider Shrink

When I set up the capsule shrink, following him exactly, my character would lift up like his and whent back down like his. (the Same) but my collider would actually grow larger than it was b4. i found a fix so that the collider would work properly as well as the player no longer need the off set. use the in engine crouch.

And call the function here… no need for the lerps or sequences…

EDITED: Removed Lecture link

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Yes, this will work but the mechanics shown is actually good to know.
The Crouch/uncrouch is basically doing the same as what is shown in the lecture.

While it is good to have these abilities in the engine, having a black box that does everything for you is not ideal so understanding the mechanics of it is important to becoming a better developer. You may never implement it yourself ever again but it is important to know why this works.

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