
Aside from texturing, it feels like something is still missing. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts and suggestions on it

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I think it looks fine the way you have created it so far. Very nice modeling job!

Before you start adding additional geometry, you might want to go ahead and start texturing. It is entirely possible the textures you chose to use will add whatever element you think is missing or, inspire you what else you think you need to add to finish the building.

If you are looking for free textures,, is a great resource. I have been using textures from this source for quite a few years. Previously they were known as but changed to in the past few years. You will need to create an account, which is free, before you can download one of their free textures. A free account is limited to 15 textures per day and the size of the textures may be restricted, although they do have a professional account you can purchase. Be sure to read the Terms of Service or End User License Agreement for more information.

Can’t wait to see this textured!

It definitely is possible that the textures are the missing component that I’m thinking of. I’ll have a go with that and see what I can conjure up. Thanks for the advice and resource, @Morgaine_Christensen.

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