Very well pulled off! Your middle barrel appears to be floating slightly, I could be wrong.
I love the level of grunge on the walls, doors and ceiling. Maybe try some more with the floor? If not, the scene is very well put together and is definitely one of my favorites of the Hallway renders so far. Nice work!
It’s too dark on my monitor.
Looks pretty good from what I can see, but it seems a bit to dark on my monitor also, which @FedPete also mentioned
This is the monitor I have. For me, the dark scenes show up pretty well even on sRGB settings. It truly is unfortunate the wide variation in what people see on their screens compared to others.
Very nice, but not all viewers screens in the world are calibrated, or have the best output.
If you work on a product, you need to take this into account. Just a thought!
I would think that if multiple people are finding the render too dark it’s probably not there monitors to blame, but the lighting is just too dark.
Thank you very much all for your feedback about the lighting! You guys are absolutely right it is too dark and I didn’t realized it until I saw the picture on my cellphone just now. I have this monitor that it makes it appear too light and I was concerned that my render had too much light and kept tuning down the Emission Strength. I don’t know if it’s because the monitor is a VA but I will tune up the intensity! However, I don’t want to make it too light cause I want to give more of a Silent Hill vibe
Haha you’re absolutely right. It is floating. I didn’t noticed that small detail!
Much better lighting, still spooky and dark but nicely visible.
Now if the cameraman can get up off the floor and stand straight… !
Very creepy! It raises suspense about what or who is behind the doors, why one door has a messenger window in it, what hazardous material is in the barrels, and why they’re stored so close to the door. Also, what toxic (or mutant) vermin are hiding in the shadows behind those barrels? The low, “mad” camera angle also helps.
The second render looks much better for me, by the way.