Creating the Cockpit Problem

One question, when the shadow behaves like this, there is a mistake somewhere, isn’t there?

Possibly, some rearranging of the verts may be all it needs. Very hard to tell from here

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What view would help you?
I think I have some topological errors.

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A bit wider view, and some angle that shows what is going on along the bottom of the recessed part whare the shadows are. Wireframe, vert mode too can help notice double geometry.
Is it actually affecting a rendered view?

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Screenshot 2023-10-17 191731
Screenshot 2023-10-17 191820

With the rendering in Cycles it looks good.
But there are some things that I don’t like:).

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I think I’ll start again from the beginning^^

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Topology is messy. The recessed long narrow faces, that turn inside your red circle, as that loop comes forward it ‘twists’ over flat to the outside of the cabin body. Really it should stay as that window recess all the way round the window.
There are two or three tris over the window top back at least two could be made into a quad, but I would want to alter it more in that area too.
Restart is fine, or take a chunk out of the current one around the window and rebuild?

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I think I’m better off with a reboot and I think much faster, but thank you anyway. I am at the beginning and have some time.
I’ll save it and look at it again sometime just to practise, but to make progress I’ll start again first. I have learned a lot while creating it and can possibly do it better than before, or cleanly.
Thanks for your feedback!

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You are working on a model with “Hard surfaces”, meaning flat faces, hard corners.
This type of project needs a different approach. Because placing, and manipulating vertices need to be done on a flat plane. Also, triangulation takes always place in the render phase. Showing artifacts if four vertices of a face are not on a plane.

To overcome this a bit, you can activate “Normals - Auto smooth”.

Also, read articles on the web about “Hard surface” modeling.



Thank you so much.
I will try it.

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I have simplified the whole thing.
Let’s see if this will be good. :slight_smile:


I’m really liking its look so far, and look forward to seeing more as you progress with this project. :slightly_smiling_face:


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