Creating Guess the Number game into Console or Application

Hello Everyone!

First, I want to say that I recently started this course and so far I am very pleased with what I learned. I am already familiar using Phyton 3 but not C# or Visual Studio, I have never been able to use them in the past, and as far as I can see, there’s not much of a difference yet, anyway, I wanted to know if it is possible to probably export the code and create a small game, such in console or else to be able to use it on multiple computers.


Ivan P.

Hi Ivan,

When you get to the Number Wizard UI section you take the Number Wizard game logic you’ve already created in the previous section and do just that. The course runs through the process of building the game for the web, using WebGL, however, you only need to select a different build type under Build Settings and you could build the same game as a Standalone executed for your PC for example.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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