Creating Components: C++ vs BP

I just had a question regarding the best way to add components, such as the spring arm and camera to a character. In the last section we added them through the C++ code, but in this section we’ve gone back to using Blueprint.

Is there any reason to use Blueprint over C++, especially if you are focusing on building the game mostly using code? C++ appears to be easier to replicate, as the one class will ensure any BP created from it will already have the components attached, and characters are something that there will be a lot of in any game I imagine.

When using C++, You still have to use BluePrint for a few things. You can probably do these in code but it takes a lot more time.

When you’re doing visual layouts such as cameras and meshes, the iteration between the tweaks and testing is just so much faster with BluePrint. I believe Sam said this was why at the start of the video.

I tend to use blueprint for these visual components for that very reason.

I mean, there’s no reason why you couldn’t do this in C++ but think about what is going on here. Add a spring arm, position it, add a camera as a child of the spring arm and then set the actor rotation flag on the spring arm. If you know this in blueprint, it’s about 2 minutes to get it to work.

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