Creating a class in the C++ course Blueprint Classes and Instances

When I create my blueprint class, it does not place it in the root folder as stated by the instructor. I am using version 5.3. However, the ball shows up in the scene view after selecting ‘Select,’ and I can add materials to it. Yet, it is not showing up in the root folder. I found out by going through the steps that it automatically places it in the ‘Maps’ folder because that’s the default location in the path for the ‘Create Blueprint from Selection’ dialog box, where we create the projectile." Now I didn’t see the instructor change this so wanted to point this out.

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That’s not the default location. The default location is the last place you saved something to in a dialog box.

I tested this to make sure. Creating a blueprint class from selection defaults to the root of the project, going ahead and saving it to a subfolder, then creating another blueprint defaults to that same location previously used.

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