Create Definitions in XCode

Another thing I’m going to have to look up, but I’m wondering if anyone knows anything about creating a definition for something undefined in the XCode program. In Visual Studio, you right click and then Quick Actions > Create Definition, and then it seems to put stuff in a separate .cpp file for it automatically and so conveniently.

I wanted to know the equivalent, if possible, in XCode. Cause’ so far it looks like I’m gonna have to go into the cpp file myself and make all of these manually. Pains in my peanut butter. If anyone knows the shortcut, please share that with me. OR ANYTHING ELSE you can think of.

And Sam: Thank you. Lol

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I have the same question / problem

XCode doesn’t provide refactoring support for C++ unfortunately

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In Xcode 9.1 I am able to generate missing function definitions two ways:

  1. By going into my .hpp file and doing a Cmd+Left Click (or Cmd+One Finger Tap for normally configured trackpad’s) on a function name, then clicking “Generate Missing Function Definitions.”

  2. By highlighting a function name and going to Editor > Refactor > Generate Missing Function Definitions

I haven’t figured out how to generate them all at once, but this still saves me some time! It also looks like there are other nifty refactor options in these menus to look into…

I hope this helps! I left a response (with pictures) in the course Q&A here ->

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