Create account and Saving data

Great course guys, even though it’s in an unfamiliar language for me, I did not understand the words and only learned visually, I was able to learn a few new things and my code will be much better and more flexible, when I finish making the game world I will share a video review, but now I have an important question: this course allows you to make a game on the scale of one scene,
without saving progress. Now all games contain such mechanics as 1) a large list of unique heroes and a gacha element for opening them, and the second is the creation of a player account and saving the game data of this player, i need to save open and closed heroes, change their characteristics, because they will increase level,
improve skills and so on … I have been looking for information on the Internet for a long time but they don’t write about it, I wanted to ask you if you have a similar course or maybe you are planning to do a similar course or maybe you know where i can find a similar one a course or at least maybe just tips on how to do it the easiest way?

The RPG Course teaches a full save system.

Accounts depend on where you would like this account and how that specific account works. Most account providers will have documentation and tutorials on how to save data to it. For example, Steam needs you to define some sort of ‘file system’ or layout, but then you just save the data to a location (defined by Steam) and the Steam API will keep that data in sync.

Thanks for the answer. Yes, I understand that the systems are unique to each game and should be treated individually, I’m just interested to see the architecture of this approach for a single player offline game, I think this is the simplest big data storage system of all. I think in the near future I will acquire the RPG course that you wrote about.

Here is an example of a Save System Code Monkey - Simple Saving and Loading with JSON to a File
If all you want is to save data from one scene and load into the next one then you don’t need to save to an actual file, you can create the save object and just keep in memory, possibly in a static field, then load the next scene and load that object.

Fwiw, I have added the rpg save system to strategy. It was a bit of work due to the ragdoll, but once done, is fairly extendable.

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Thanks for the video, I will try this method

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