Create a 2d face on a 3d model

How to Make an Animatable 2D Face in Blender - YouTube

I’ve watched several videos now and I’m still doing something wrong, is there anyone who can explain this problem to me in a simple way. I can only manage one face, for the other faces the field is always pink… can someone please help me :exploding_head: :sob:

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Not really clear what it is you are doing. But the pink usually means Blender can not find a image texture it expects to have.

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I’m supposed to have jumped from frame 1 to frame 2 in the picture and meanwhile the picture has changed. According to the video, I should only be able to change the row of images to offset them, but this pink background comes up every time…I have just tested all the images individually, all are displayed, only when I want to exchange the eyes for another pair of eyes do any errors occur

What video and what time in it?

I am not sure what course is being done. It helps solve problems if we know what is in the lecture.

as long as there are no problems with the link (blue text). you should actually be able to see how exactly it is done.

to be sure, here is the link:

Ah sorry I missed that entirely. Best ask on that video, others seem to have the same issue there too. I thought it was a GameDev lecture you were doing.

He only shows how to add one set of eyes not how to animate it with that method. Pretty useless really.

Certainly not anything I have ever tried or wanted to. The pink as mentions does usually denote Blender not able to find the texture. Perhaps you need to have two textures, one for each eye position and animate a change in texture.

I’ll keep looking for answers but thank you for your effort :innocent: :+1:

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