Crashing Engine

Hi guys! So I am using UE 4.24.3. In this video I did everything as it was said in the video. The code compiles with no problem, but after trying to play the game the engine crashes. The crash report says that the problem is in my for loop and the if that is using the “GetTotalMassOfActorsOnPlate”. Can anyone help me with solving this problem. Tanks in advance!

You most likely don’t have the pressure plate set in the editor.

I am sorry, I don’t understand what exactly do you mean by my pressure plate being set.

Here is a screenshot of the trigger volume settings in the editor. I’d be grateful if you could help me understand what is the problem an thanks for the fast reply.
PS. Previously, when the door could be opened only with the pawn it was all working as expected. That brings me towards the conclusion that the trigger volume is not the problem maybe.

On the open door component in the editor there should be a place to set the pressure plate.

Oh You meant this. Yea I have already done it.

Does it crash as soon as you press play?

Yup. When I press play it just freezes for a sec and then crashes.

Then that would imply that PressurePlate is nullptr. Are you sure you didn’t accidentally add the component to another actor.

You could log the owner’s name to see if it’s on another actor.

Yes, that was it. Thanks a lot for the fast replies that led me to the solution.

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