Crash and burn

So i deleted my map in error. i had it labeled wierd. Then i rebuilt it. Then UE wanted to update. So i was working on fixing my escape game and now Unreal Editor is crashing. I tried to reinstall to no avail. Is anyone else having this issue? Sould i start all over? VS compiles with no issues. It crashes as soon as i try and “play” it to test my rebuild.

This is usually caused by an error in a blueprint that only activates when play is started.
You either need to find the problem in the blueprints or what i did was rollback using source control and restart the section.

Use this to roll back. (WARNING dont use if collaborating as this resets all others changes as well and removes them)
Open the console in source tree
git reset --hard (The commit you want to go back to)
git push -f (usually origin/master but may be github/master depends opn your repo)
if it wont push try and do one from thr normal push in sourcetree.

hope this helps track or resolve where you are stuck

Yeah that helps. Looks like i just need to kill the whiole thing and start all over. The good thing is, i should be able to fly through it if my memory is good. Source controk wouldnt let me roll back as somehow the floor plans were locked or missing.

I had a similar issue, but it was a bug. It compiled, but crashed marvelously as soon as you hit play.

My issue was a typo in a new EU_LOG line I added; instead of %s for a string format replacement, I had %2. Absolutely fantastic crash and burn.

I was having a similar problem wherein my Unreal Editor would crash whenever I pressed Play. I used the drop-down menu next to “Launch” for the Unreal Editor in the Epic Games Launcher and selected “Verify” and that seemed to fix the problem.


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