Course videos are not loading

Was watching just fine and all of a sudden video stopped playing and no course video load for me now. Tried a couple:

  • Blender Texture Painting: Create Stunning Stylised Models
  • Blender Low Poly Characters: Model Your Own Stylized Characters!

I see some console logs (Bad Gateway) and 404 (Not Found)
Testing in Chrome and Firefox same issue.


Router restart (or perfect timing) has resolved it.


I get the same thing, tried reaching out to support but didn’t get much of anything useful back. Sometimes they just stop, no matter what course, even preview videos, different browsers, different devices, even different networks. Can only assume they do some sort of website update occasionally and it breaks the sites asset links, hence all the 404s. Wild guess eventually the CDN cache times out and everything works again, but it is super frustrating when it happens.

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