Course: Unreal Engine 2D: Make Your Own Epic 2D Games Using C++

Desert Racer: Section 2.12 Game Mode,
In the Game Mode we create a custom game mode base adding c++ classes and then create a blueprint from the game mode class and
assign the default pawn to our blueprint player character. We then set the new game mode as the the default game mode in project settings
then drag a player start into the level and delete the blueprint character from the level.
When the blueprint character is deleted from the level the screen goes black when the game is started.
It’s like the game mode isn’t seeing the blueprint character that we assigned and isn’t using the camera settings so the world is black.
I have gone over the instruction in the video multiple times so I’m pretty sure I followed the directions carefully. If anyone else has had this
issue I’d appreciate knowing how it was solved.

Did you remove the player from the map and add a player start in its place?

Yes, at time code 04:03 the blueprint player character is deleted from the scene and the Player Start is brought into the scene from the Add → Basic and Player Start is dragged into the scene. That is where we lose everything."

Thanks for your reply.

Did you set up the game mode and tell it which player to use and then change the default game mode in the project settings.

Your post doesn’t link to a lecture so it is far better to post on the Q&A either on Udemy or on GameDev, depending on where you are taking the course. This really helps.

So, I’m assuming it is The Game Mode lecture which is where you do this at around 4 minutes, add a Player start and deal with the challenge which is to also set the default pawn to be the Player which happens at around 3:30

I’m not sure why you have to assume it’s the game mode, I clearly state it in the question. Desert Racer: Section 2.12 Game Mode, Yes, I set the Default Pawn class to the Blueprint player character.

Your attitude is not so great, I’m going to request a refund for the course and avoid Gamedev TV in the future.

Hi Charles,
I’m sorry that it seems that my attitude is not great. I am actually trying to help and when you post in the course Q&A it links me to the lecture which also gives me the additional resources associated with it which speeds assistance.

I’m working through a standard list of common issues and double checking everything to ensure nothing was missed

The last possibility is the y axis position of the player start. This would need to be set to 0 and is also a common issue many encounter.

Thanks for trying to help, if you watch 1.2 Community and Support they tell you to post questions in the Forum or Discard. I watched it again and they don’t say anything about the QA section. I’m feed up with this now and want to move to another project. It appears that the race track background maybe positioned on game start vertically and in a straight line so you can’t see it. When I stop the game I can set focus on one of the background components and press F and find it. Thanks for your suggestion about checking the Y value of the PlayerStart and I did check that and it is O.K. I’m going to leave this and come back at another time and take a look.

Thanks for your help! You can close the issue.

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