Course Ideas: Implementing AI, Medieval Asset Pack RPG course

I have several ideas for new or updated courses, but the one thing that I have seen time and again is AI. I’m thinking that there should be AI courses for your Unity, Unreal, Godot, and Blender courses. AI can help with, Behavior Trees, NPC interactions, and Narratives to name a few. Also, it would be a good idea to go over the legalities of using AI in your games as well.

Some other ideas for courses:

  1. Use the Medieval Asset packs that sells on their website and create a course for it.
  2. Game Level design with game performance optimization considerations for RPGs, FPS, etc games.
  3. Update the Unity RPG series with a focus on AI, Behavior Trees, Game Level Design. Maybe have a beginner RPG series, then have an intermediate RPG series that build upon the beginner RPG series, and have an advanced RPG series that build upon the intermediate RPG series.

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