Course Feedback & Question on next Steps

Hi All,

Just a quick note to say this course has been really helpful, as someone who works outside of this industry it has been really fun learning a new skill. The forum has also been invaluable, as someone else has mostly ran into the same issue as I have, seeing their problems solved has helped me identify and solve my own. Also the online github has been extremely helpful for the inevitable accidental deletion of data from my own project, being able to go into the backup and obtain the instructors code has helped.

I have started the inventory course (about 25% of the way through) and I have noticed the way you are running those tutorials captures any and all feedback I would have added here. I definitely think both Rick and Sam running the lessons together works well as they both bring individual strengths to the table.

For my actual Question:

In terms of next steps, I will be completing the other elements of the course (Inventory, Quests, Shops) but can you please confirm if I will be able to implement the Unity 3rd Person Combat & Traversal course into this project? I note on the description it says “It can easily be added to your RPG project” but just wanted to be 100% sure.

Thank you for your feedback!

Once you’ve completed all five of the courses, you should find you are able to integrate the Third Person into the project (or some have merged the content from the Inventory, Dialogues and Quests, and Shops and Abilities into their Third Person project. While I haven’t completed the integration guide yet, I’ve seen several students who have already accomplished the feat, and I’m always available for questions regarding integration (I am the TA for the entire RPG series as well as the Third Person course).

Perfect, thanks Brian!

I have gone ahead and purchased the course,


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