Course Feedback for "Blender Animation & Rigging" (Early Access)

I just finished this course in its current state and wanted to leave a piece of praise here.

Between working with multiple game engines (including using animations a lot) and getting into 3D modelling via the other Blender courses by @Grant_Abbitt, this course allows me to fill a gap that has been causing an itch for a long time. Blender has so much to offer, but a lot of its potential is hard to uncover. Grant has a great style of giving the power of Blender into your hands piece by piece and enabling you to solve more and more complex tasks. All the while he makes sure that you can follow his steps and highlights possible sources of error and best practices.

Thanks for this mind-blowing leg (*) in my learning journey. I can’t wait for the remaining lectures to appear!



I totally agree. Nice leg by the way.


Thank you! Obviously it was modeled by Grant. :grinning: Might replace later.


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