Course and Site Feedback

Hello team,

Many thanks for the amazing courses! I have taken the “Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D” on Udemy and have now finished the " RPG Core" course on this website. I have really enjoyed learning unity with you guys and I can’t wait to start the other five courses that I have purchased here.
I have some minor feedback about the website that I hope you find constructive.

First, the quizzes are awesome and have forced me to research a bit before answering. But they are not always clear. There is no explanation on why any answer is right or wrong, just a check mark. Also, if I’m on question 5 for example, and I made a mistake, I’ll have to retake the whole quiz to retry the same question again to get the right answer, which gets tedious.
Other websites have a retry question system, or even a hint system which gives an explanations on why my answer was wrong, why I might have thought it right, and maybe a hint towards the right answer.

The second thing I want to discuss is the side navigation bar. At the top, my progress percentage blends in with the titles of the videos making both unclear. There is no option to collapse a particular section, and there isn’t an option to collapse the whole side bar as well to allow for screen wide view. Moreover, the lectures are not numbered.

And finally, I have some more minor proposals for the site that I’m listing in no particular order:

  • There is no button that takes me to my courses view from the video player screen which makes it hard to navigate between courses.

  • When there is a resource attached with the video, there will be two links under the video, one of which will open the same video. Please remove that link and keep the resources in the white box only as it is surprising when the links open the video instead of downloading the resource.

  • My favorite watch speed is 1.75 which is not available on your player.

  • Have an option to set the quality of all videos instead of forcing me to switch from auto to my preferred video quality on each and every video.

  • When the video ends, it immediately loads the next video, even if I stop the video or use the seek bar to move back. Please add a minor delay and a cancel button if possible.

That’s it! I’m sorry if it’s too much. I’m really enjoying your courses and wish the best for you guys.
Thanks again!

Hi Ossama, welcome to the community. The resource links in almost all of the videos do not start the video. There are a few that need fixing. Let them know by starting a topic from the lesson page so the correct TA will be notified. They are good a getting things fixed. There is a settings icon at the top of the lesson list that lets you toggle autoplay and autocomplete. Turn off the autoplay and the next video will not start automatically. Most of the rest of your points are things that are inherent in the teachable system that uses behind the scenes to power the website. I am not sure if they can make these kinds of changes, but they do listen to feedback from students.

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