Couldn't add Grabber C++ class to DefaultPawn_BP

I was unable to add Grabber class to DefaultPawn_BP per the “Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games” lecture 126 “Modifying the Default Pawn Actor” procedure.

I’m using Linux Mint 19.1, Unreal 4.22.2, and Visual Studio Code 1.35.0.

I was able to create the Grabber class. The compilation reported success. However, it is not listed in my Unreal Editor’s Custom Component selection list as shown @ 6:43 in the lecture 126 “Modifying the Default Pawn Actor” video.

If you run into the same problem, try this procedure:
While editing DefaultPawn_BP, select “+ Add Component” -> “New C++ Component …”. Then create a Grabber2 “Actor Component” and use it instead of the inaccessible Grabber C++ class created earlier.

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