Could Unity 4 be installed without paying?

I know Unity 5 has personal edition, but what about Unity 4?

I believe Unity changed their pricing/licensing structure a little while ago but there was originally a model I believe where you had to license/pay for the product if the revenue of your business exceeded a specific value. This is still the case but there is now also a subscription based model too.

There’s nothing to stop you downloading the older version, I would assume that any licensing rules for it that applied previously would still apply now, not sure of the real benefit of downloading an old version though.

I note that this text appears by the download link and doesn’t mention anything about specific versions;

If your company currently makes more than $100k in annual gross revenues or has raised funds in excess of $100k, you are not permitted to use Unity Personal as defined in our EULA Agreement. You may use Unity Plus for up to $200k in annual gross revenues, or Unity Pro with an unlimited revenue capacity.

So if your business isn’t generating more than $100k you’re fine :slight_smile:

Unity 4 used the same license structure as Unity 5, and you can use it for free unless, like Rob mentions, you generate revenue over their allocation.

They have changed their licensing again now where by it is a monthly subscription but there is still a free option.

If your company currently makes more than $100k in annual gross revenues or has raised funds in excess of $100k, you are not permitted to use Unity Personal as defined in our EULA Agreement. You may use Unity Plus for up to $200k in annual gross revenues, or Unity Pro with an unlimited revenue capacity.
So if your business isn’t generating more than $100k you’re fine :slight_smile:

Are you telling us gently that we may end up taking your furshlugginer course and then not be making $100k?

This is obviously a shock worse than life itself, and you should have warned us gently of the bad news to come.
:disappointed: :cry::scream:

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