Corona Virus Chess Board - Generated Textures

In the spirit of our most recent crisis, I went with generated textures that reminded me of the Corona Virus. The black squares are subtle, you may have to look closely.
Let me know what you think. This won’t make you sick. :slight_smile:


Can someone explain to me WHY the lighting is RENDERED so drastically different in Cycles vs. Eevee.
The scene above is Eevee and the scene below is Cycles. NOTHING has changed but the lighting is drastically different.


EEEK Isolates from the page! :mask:

Good set so far.

Eeve and cycles are just different. Each has their own best case usage. Speed or quality. With their own settings.


The light properties in Eevee and Cycles are handled differently. Some say it is a bug.
You need to tweak the light setting manually.

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I think Eevee handles ambient occlusion differently (I found this out in a later lesson).
In Cycles, it looks like if you want the light done right you have to put in the work.

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Cycles is a ray tracing engine and tries to emulate the physics of light. Eevee does not trace light paths like ray tracing, but rasterizes light effects. The blender manual says it’s more of an estimate of the lighting, the upside is faster rendering. Maybe think Cycles photo-realism and eevee more akin to painting and drawing… animation.

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