Copy and paste component problem

Please help, I have been trying to position the empty game object right around where the Falcon is by copying and pasting component, but it just did not work…

Is there any solution to it?

Why can’t I upload any video or GIF???

Try Ctrl + D, Then move the game-object?

I want to put the Falcon as a child under the empty game object, so I have to make sure that the position of the empty game object is the same as of the Falcon.

You can copy component values on paste it into the empty game object;
then child the falcon and reset the falcon’s transform position. did this help?

As you can see here, their Transform values are just the same, but they are not in the same position in the scene. Why is that?

is the falcon childed to the empty game object?

if so you need to set the falcons transform position to 0,0,0


It worked. Thank you.
But I still don’t understand why they would end up in different positions in the scene even their Transform values are just the same?

When you child the falcon it uses the local transform position which means its no longer positioned relative to the world, it’s positioned relative to the parent game object.

If you have a game object(1) set to 5,0,0, and have another game object(2) positioned anywhere else, then child the 2nd game object to the first and reset it’s transform to 0,0,0, you’ll have them both in the same place

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so if I want to child an object to the other object, should I reset both of their transforms to 0,0,0 first?

no, what I mean is that when you child a game object the the parent will look like the centre of the world for the child.

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But before I put the child game object under the parent game object, I want the parent game object positioned at the exact same location as the child one first. How do I do that?

you copy the transform components from the to be child then paste it in the to be parent then, child it

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With your advice, I think I just found out why the child object and parent object are not in the same position even I copied the transform components from the to be child then paste it in it…

It is because, many days ago, I did not reset the parent object “Enemies” before I put all the enemies under it…
That’s the root of the problem…

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