Copter Fly Zones

I wanted the helicopter to be able to fly at different heights depending on where it was on the map. For example fly just above the trees in lower areas but be able to adjust fly height to get over terrain such as mountain ridges for example. I have a movement script that directs the copter to fly towards any transform position (player, outpost, landing zone, etc) and also adjusts the height of the copter as it moves towards it target.

I came up with “fly zones” that are just trigger colliders and send the desired fly ceiling to the copter when it enters the specific zone. The copter then transitions towards the new ceiling at a pre-determined speed.

Also, the copter Landing Zone capsule collider triggers a landing condition for the copter which lands at the specific target zone and then stops all movement.

Hopefully this will give others some insight into something that worked very well for me.


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