Hey guys!
I used to have a problem where I was designing a look in Affinity Designer which I was then translating into a game in Unity. In Affinity Designer I used a font style (weight) that was encapsulated in a .TTC (True Type Collection)-file. First it was impossible for me to load that .TTC-file into TMP Font Asset Creator, cause it would by default render a map with the bold face. Which was not the one I was after.
So, I needed to find a way to access all the .TTF-files within that .TTC-file before I load it into TMPFAC.
What needed to be done was “splitting” the .TTC into several .TTFs. Which you can do at https://onlinefontconverter.com. Just upload your collection there and you can download all the TTFs afterwards and then render that face/weight/style which you need!
I hope this helps someone!