Converting .TTC into .TTF [Text Mesh Pro Font Asset Creator]

Hey guys!

I used to have a problem where I was designing a look in Affinity Designer which I was then translating into a game in Unity. In Affinity Designer I used a font style (weight) that was encapsulated in a .TTC (True Type Collection)-file. First it was impossible for me to load that .TTC-file into TMP Font Asset Creator, cause it would by default render a map with the bold face. Which was not the one I was after.

So, I needed to find a way to access all the .TTF-files within that .TTC-file before I load it into TMPFAC.

What needed to be done was “splitting” the .TTC into several .TTFs. Which you can do at Just upload your collection there and you can download all the TTFs afterwards and then render that face/weight/style which you need!

I hope this helps someone!


Thanks for sharing your solution! :slight_smile:

No worries. I hope it helps someone! Took me long enough to work it out. :smiley:

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