Contradictory reference to static variable during static brick counting challenge


So, at approximately 3m45 of this lecture you note that we have to print the variable to the console because it can’t be seen in the inspector, even if declared public, because it’s a static.

Then, at 4m12 of the same lecture, you start the solution by explaining it needs to be a public variable so that we can see it in the inspector…

Edit: so, then you demonstrate your point about it not being visible in the inspector and expound on possible reasons why. Why suggest it would be visible at all? It’s just confusing, especially for anyone working in later Unity versions and/or have a tendency to hit pause and panic (like me) the instant something seems adrift from where the lesson indicates it should be.

Thanks for this, I’ve marked it for an edit.

@SwampGator please fast track the conversion of this video too


Thank you for letting me know about this, I will take care of it.


Elizabeth R. Laurie

@SwampGator I found the cause of your funny formatting in your post, please don’t use tabs here.

Regarding this video, I can’t see that it’s been converted yet?


I’ll send you the directions for accessing it, via e-mail. Thank you for the heads up about it.

Have an awesome day!




Thank you for letting me know that it’s the 5 space indent that’s causing that funny code formatting.

Have an awesome day!



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