Constant Swinging sword speeds up if I click quickly

Just finished the Constant Swinging lesson and its working fine UNLESS I quickly let off and click the mouse again. In which case, the swing speeds up … if I click several times, my sword swings very very quickly. This may get addressed later but I thought I’d put this here in case it doesnt.

I handled this with a bool isAttacking that starts and ends the attacking coroutine. Then I don’t start the attacking coroutine if isAttacking

        void StartAttacking()
            attackButtonDown = true;
        void StopAttacking()
            attackButtonDown = false;
        IEnumerator AttackSequence()
            isAttacking = true;
            while (attackButtonDown)
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(TimeBetweenAttacks);
            isAttacking = false;
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