Confusion as to why I get Array Index out of range if I initialise an array in a certain way

Hi there,
I am confusied as to why I get Array Index out of range if I initialise an array in a certain way.
I am trying to display strings on the canvas(inside the text box) from within an array in my script.
When I press the space bar the next string in the array should display.

First of all, I declare the array like so:

public string[] dialogueLines;

Then if I initialise the array, like below, the script does as intended:

void Start () {
        dialogueLines = new string[] { "Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3" };


if i initialise it like so:

void Start () {
        string[]  dialogueLines = { "Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3" };

I get the out of range error, despite the console print message showing “Test 1” when it is initialised in Start()
Full code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {

    public Text dialogueText; // Text that will be written to screen.
    public string[] dialogueLines; // String array declaration that will contain the dialogue lines.
    public int currentLine = 0; // Tracks the current element position within dialogueLines[].

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        dialogueLines = new string[] { "Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3" }; // String array initialisation that contains the dialogue lines.
        print("dialogueLines first element on start() : " + dialogueLines[currentLine]);
        print("currentLine on start(): " + currentLine);
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
        if (currentLine < dialogueLines.Length)
            dialogueText.text = dialogueLines[currentLine];


            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

Screen shot:

Seems like the array initialised in the second example is lost/destroyed before Update() runs?
Can anyone please explain why this is happening?

Thank you kindly

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This happens because you are overriding the variable in the second example, and the rewritten variable only exists during the start execution. The script variable in this case don’t ever get addressed

By saying string[] dialogueLines = x you are creating a new variable local to Start method and that gets marked to be collected just after start method finish running.


On a related note, you can actually paste your code directly into the forum. This is often more useful for those who respond to your questions as they can copy/paste a chunk of it to highlight/help/fix etc.

Screenshots of errors or the Unity editor are obviously useful.

See also;

Thanks for the response Joao,

I see now, so string[] dialogueLines = { "A" , "B" , "C" }; is actually an array declaration and initialisation.

I thought it was a means to initialise a previously declared array. There’s too many ways to declare and initialise arrays, it gets confusing lol

Rob thanks for the info, I’ve given it a try and edited the original post, thanks :slight_smile:


Rob thanks for the info, I’ve given it a try and edited the original post, thanks

You are very welcome, any problems just post :slight_smile:

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