Confusing refactor lesson

Hello, I just wanted to share some feedback.

I was just starting the lesson, and I think it is quite confusing having the first part not replaced by a new edit in the video, but just having to compare the repo and figure out why it was changed again. I’m talking about the refactor of the Path building part.

I was confused as to why the way it is done in the video was actually being done, and tried to understand if just by calling the Transform child would internally tell Unity to do get the childs of the tranform of parent. Maybe a transform contains references to the children that can be accessed in a foreach loop without doing anything extra. I don’t now if that’s just an oupsie (with my current knowledge I’m missing how that would work) or if it is a legit way to do it.

Just trying to provide constructive feedback, since I’m enjoying the Tower Defense lecture, but there are a few things like this that can confuse people, and I think its worth recording them again.

I hope the feedback helps,



i can absolute understand and support @Ferfun Argument.
Even as a WebDeveloper with quite a few years of Experience, i had to read the code from Git carefully to understand it. For a beginner Tutorial, this is not ideal.

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Would also like to support this. In the first minute or two (as part of the EnemyMover script discussion) the code on screen is very different to that which was done during an earlier lecture. So what version of code is correct? Which way is better? Are we using transforms under the empty object (Path) or an array? Or a list? God knows…

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