Confused with what order to follow the save system sections

Hi It’s unclear to me which order I should follow the saving system sections since I am wanting to see how it was made from scratch. I know this first section is just going through how to implement it like an asset pack.

However, after having a quick glance at the next section which goes through the entire system it appears that should be the section to follow before this one, can someone please clarify what the recommended order is because it appears that these sections are in the wrong order.

Yes, they tested that one course, since people said they didnt like the “i type-you type” system of teaching, i for one am glad they went back to the old system, since i store the information way better then.
Just bite through that course, the next is better again!

If you only mean the saving system itself, it was optional to follow as Sam said, since it was quite “hard” for the level the course was at, at that point.
But you could, im not sure about the course numbers tho, im just saying from my memory of it.

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We originally made the course with just the second section, with the deep dive into how the whole things work. It was met with mixed results, and we didn’t want to leave anybody behind, so we created what is now the first section to explain how to use the system. It’s intended to be an either or. You can do just the asset pack section or you can do the deep dive into how the whole thing works. You can even do both, if you want to.

Thanks for the response and I understand that, to rephrase my question in a different way, is it worth following the first section of the save system if I’m going to follow the second section that goes through the creation of the code in much more detail or is everything from the firs section also covered in the second?

Personally, I think there’s a lot of meat in the 2nd section. I think everybody should give it a go, and learn what they can from it. If you’ve already completed the 1st section, I think that should help frame things in your mind to better see what Sam’s doing in the 2nd and how we got to where we are.

After that, I always recommend for the students who grasp the 2nd section that they consider upgrading to Json using my Json Saving System tutorial which builds on the existing save system. Json SavingSystem


I mustn’t be communicating my question very clearly I basically just want to know if I should bother doing both sections as I’m not sure if the first section is required if I am to follow the longer section( I don’t want to waste following a simpler tutorial/section if the same plus more is also covered in the second section).

I’ll try to ask in a different way one last time which is hopefully clearer.

Is it worth following the first saving section if I follow the second more advanced section?

I will follow your Json saving system after thanks for the suggestion.

Side note I just quickly scanned your Json tutorial and you addressed the security issue of using Binary which I was going to ask when I get to that section so I’m very glad you created that tutorial.

If you’re already planning on doing the 2nd section, I would skip the 1st section entirely.


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