Conflicting input bindings

In Battle Tank lecture 164 (titled “A Better Component Architecture”), I’m running into different behavior with my game than Ben’s game is showing. I’m using 4.19.0 and he’s using 4.12.4.

Anyway, in this lecture, we set up forward and backward movement with the left stick of the gamepad in addition to the movement we’ve already set up using the gamepad triggers and bumpers. In Ben’s game, these inputs add together, whereas in my game the triggers & bumpers take priority over the stick. Specifically, if I have inputs bound to the triggers and bumpers, the input from the stick is seemingly ignored. I have to disable input to the triggers and bumpers to get the stick controls working.

Is anybody else experiencing this?
Could this be new input binding behavior introduced between 4.12 and 4.19? If so, Ben or Sam may want to put a note at the end of the video addressing this.

This somehow resolved itself when I moved on to the next section. I do not understand why the behavior changed.

Just in case somebody else has this issue and is trying to debug:
All I did in the next video (lesson 165) was to add input binding for the left gamepad stick X axis to control rotation. I then created the blueprint mapping from this input event to UTankeMovementComponent::IntendRotateClockwise which Ben writes about two minutes into the lesson.

Hopefully doing the same will fix this problem for you too.

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