Configurable Cursors error

Hey, I have seemed to have hit a error and have no idea why or how its come about. I have gone over the same video around 30 times and rechecked everything but still ahve the error
Please see attacched picture

‘PlayerController.GetCursorMapping(PlayerController.CursorType)’: not all code paths return a value [Assembly-CSharp]

Can anyone help me to fix this im using unity 2019.4.15f1

thanks in advance

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See the comment in the code below to fix your error.

    private CursorMapping GetCursorMapping(CursorType type)
            foreach (CursorMapping mapping in cursorMappings)
                if (mapping.type == type)
                    return mapping;
            return cursorMappings[0]; //This return goes outside the foreach loop.

"not all code paths return a value " When dealing with this kind of errors check your “returns”, you must have at least one outside the “if” statements and loops.


Thank you so much i didnt even see i placed that in the wrong area I rechecked over and over and yeah
thank you again

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