Completing the Walls - Wall Rotation

R-Z-90 seems to rotate around the origin point and ends up like this in the photo, but in the video it rotates right around on the spot, I’ve watched it a few times but I can’t figure out how.

Also the part where the mirrored section of the wall disappears, it doesn’t disappear for me so I skipped that and here we are.

Do I have to go back and change the origin point or is there something I missed in the video?

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Changing the origin is the preferred method I believe since it’s suppose to be modular. Sorry, I’ve bought this course, but haven’t watched this part yet. Other option could be that he uses 3D cursor or individual origins or active objects origin. The Transform pivot point can be set in the header somewhere. Sorry, I just use the period key(Not the numpad period. The normal period key). If you have a lazy hand it can sometimes lean on the ctrl key thus ctrl+period which toggles origin. My typing teach would be ashamed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I just jumped ahead and watched that video. I think you had the wall as the active object(The brighter outline) when you joined them. Thus the object uses the walls origin. In the video Grant select the wall then Shift+selects the pillar so that it will have the pillar’s origin. Now I’m going to finish watching it to find out about this boolean method to join them.

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Yeah, I miss so many little things because the course just goes too fast, or they do it and it feels like I’m supposed to already know things. Which I don’t.


It’s a lot of information. I usually recommend taking a 5 to 10 minute break between videos. Especially if you are working in Blender. This break gives your mind time to absorb the info. Some people watch it once thru then come when they watch the second time they follow along.


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