Completely lost now :'(

I’m now lost, I’ve watched the last few videos a few times and its no longer making any sense whatsoever, before i was able to follow along and understand what was going on but the program i have in front of me now means absolutely nothing, is it just me? I’m worried i might never get this now. any ideas? should i perhaps start again from the beginning? I’m thinking of employing another tutor just to help me get through this tutorial

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I think he does move a little fast. But no reason to get worried. Maybe you could check out a more beginner class about programming where the teacher goes in detail about what is a function, a variable, a constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, the console, etc…

I m new in c++, so i guess i dont find it the most readable language, that doesnt help either, so maybe you could do some basics of Java (or some other strongly typed language) to better understand programming in general.

I come from javascript, and i think it still lacks some concepts (interface, constructor, class…yeah they exist now but still…). So i would not recommend javascript either to start.

I am sure you could find some good tutorials for free about more basic programming, maybe on udemy or definitely on Youtube.
Games are quite challenging as well, and trying to learn how to code games in 3d and basic programming at the same time seems to me too audacious for one single course.

But well, don’t get worried, I find programming overwhelming sometimes when i try to go too fast. But there is nothing that time can’t fix :). This is not rocket science (well, it could be…ahah).

So I would say learn the basics of programming first then come back to this couse.

That is my humble advice at least.


thanks for your reply, this is my first programming language and so i think i might look for a more basic tutorial as you suggested and if that doesn’t work, maybe try a more basic language

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Don’t worry, normally pressure or frustration means that you are actually engaging your brain and learning something. It will take time so take it slow if you need to. But the most important part is to not give up.

As @kamiranoff said, I too came from Javascript, so I understand very basic concepts of code in general.
Think of it this way, Coding is like learning another language. But once you understand how to speak or talk, it’s just a matter of changing the sounds and dialect. So because I knew JavaScript, it clicked when a lot of the same concepts were involved, just typed differently.

I suggest you can go to very basic coding websites to look for you answers you might be confused with. Ask questions like “What does a Variable do in code” or something else like “Code for beginners”. You can do anything you put your mind to, just don’t give up when it gets tough or you’ll never push through!


I would agree with kamiranoff, and also point out something I learned when I was tutoring math students in college for extra cash: everybody learns differently. While Ben’s approach and style works for me, the fact that it doesn’t work for you doesn’t really mean you won’t get it, you just need it explained in a way that your mind will “click” with. Checking around on the net for basic concept tutorials can help, or if you’d prefer I have nothing but free time this weekend and would be happy to skype with you and answer questions. I’m no expert in c++ at all, but I am a working software developer so I know the concepts and fundamentals pretty well, and I’d be glad to help. Let me know if you’d like to have a go :slight_smile:


If the problem is in C++, you might take other introductory course on that (even on Udemy you hve few great starting courses, e.g. this one).

If you misunderstand the general concepts of programming, taking few videos/courses on other programing languages might help, but I’d consider something like Python.

At the end of the day, the really important thing is understanding how your program works but not what language it’s written in. So, take your time and work hard :slight_smile:

Best regards, Viktor.

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thanks everyone for you feedback (really thank you) i bought a book “c++ all in one for dummies” and it is really helping a lot, i think, as one of you mentioned, its a question of seeing how it works and not so much the language. i believe that all the jumping from here to there is what was confusing me. I’ve also found that if i write out a block diagram of whats going on, that really helps as you can follow the diagram as you read the code.
thanks again everyone, your feedback has proved very very valuable to me and i hope that in the future i will someday be able to return the favour


don’t give up. Everything he’s teaching now will make sense at a later video. It is fast paced for sure, but I’ve found everything that didn’t make sense, made sense in a later video.

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I agree with this, and Java is an excellent choice. One value is Java is a compiled language, so it will provide similarities with other compiled languages such as C and C++ that have the same structured-programming style of syntax and statements. Also, there is an excellent set of Java tutorials that are available for the basics of Java.

Pleased that is working for you. One suggestion I have is to concentrate on the “built-in” types, essentially the “C” in “C++,” to become fluent with the basic data structure, especially strings and simple arrays. These work pretty much everywhere and they are sort of arriving invisibly in the progress through Section 02. The Standard C++ libraries have more exotic structures although it is useful to consider what may be underneath them.

When I took an intro to programming course at the uni, it was in C++, but we didn’t touch anything on classes, just procedural programming. They actually had second semester freshmen take Java to learn about object orientated programming (which is currently helping tremendously). So I back orcmid and kamiranoffs suggestion on taking a java course through Udemy, youtube, text, whatever works for you.

Keep your head up! You’ll get there.

I’m a computer Science student in my third year, and I still get confused, and I’ve done 2 years of Java which is in the same family as C++. I find if you go back to the other beginner courses that others recommend, you’ll go through a period of “I have no idea what is going on, I will never understand this” to it just clicking.

So as everyone else has recommended keep going, I came here to find out why we’re using “const” in the methods, remember that no one just gets it when it comes to programming!

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I am having trouble grasping classes, and why we want to not be able to change variables from outside a class… However, looking at my current programs (outside of C ++), I can see the wisdom in this. Whenever I implement a new function, I have to spend all this time managing all the unintentional effects of my new function.

Learning new stuff, especially very abstract stuff like programming, can have a severe draining effect on my brain. I can get exhausted mentally and have to take a break, but I come back to it and take it slowly when necessary. I think if you keep going and trust what he’s saying, it will begin to make sense. I hope so for me too :slight_smile:

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I know this may seem hard to grasp; but no fear, when I first started the c++ journey (which was about 2 weeks ago) I ventured over to --> (it is free and it has quizzes and stuff as well) and learned/ understood core concepts of c++. Coming from there everything Ben is saying, makes perfect sense.

Thank you kindly for referencing the knowledgeable, yet free course!

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