Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D Zombie Shooter Major Issue

I have been working through the udemy course but i have come across a strange issue and there doesn’t seem to be a solution available. the only thing i can do is show you and you can watch it here. everything was fine beforehand but it suddenly turned to this. no idea why.


I am a on the unity C# zombie runner - I have the constraints frozen for rotation(x,y,z) on the ridged body (I have used the older Standard assets and not used the new movement system for the player so, I may not have the best of solutions)

i tried freezing the constraints all it did was make the player fly straight up instead of spinning randomly but i appreciate the advice


have you attempted to disable the rigid body - as the newer version(character controller) doesn’t have one and instead uses a script for that function (Basic rigid body push)

oh my god you flipping legend it worked thank you so much

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