Complete Blender Creator: S2L22: Merging Vertices In Blender

So this is a thing I’ve noticed while watching this lesson and I wanted to do a heads up for people who have the latest version.
I got Blender around a week ago, or so, so I think I have a bit newer version than 2.9, because I couldn’t find Merge Vertices in Vertex Tab.


Got confused, but figured since the original course was on 2.8, the misplacement would be covered in 2.9v, but it wasn’t. Eventually, I found Merge Vetices by clicking Right mouse button on the vertex points.

The shortcut has also changed. Instead of Alt+M it’s now just M.

Hope this helps to those who run into the same problem.


Never looked for it in a menu always used the shortcut, I had known of the change to M, but it is a problem for recorded tutorials when little bits keep changing.

Thanks for pointing it out to those who may not have come across it yet.

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It is a good point that you have managed to solve this problem for your self.
Great achievement.

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