Complete and Review: Toon Tanks

I have completed my toon tank game, but I am moving on rather than showing anything. I may return to the project later and then show what I have.

Currently I am going over the version 2 of this course first.


That being said- I did not mind version one. I know that many people did not care for the instructor’s teaching style, which was one that did not bother me that much. I found the quick exposure without a deluge of information a nice change of pace.

But that being said, I am now already over 10 lectures into version 2 of this section- the difference is as night and day. The first instructor knew what he was talking about, but the second was able to help you know what he is talking about. In general I found that a certain lack of clarity as appeared in version one pervaded all other sections to some degree. I could not put my finger on it until this instructor: I leaves nothing to chance. Previous sections constantly expose their students to new content and material, but I found it easy to have information overload (particularly in the archived ones), yet very little review, relooking, and sometimes various aspects were speed past, assuming the student to piece it together. This new instructor is able to take complicated subjects, break each part down without overlooking any part (he assumes that all parts are important) and explains them in details. Then he plays with them before building them back up- all this with very useful visual attached.

In short, I find his teaching style very constructive and analytical, reviewing and re-reviewing parts as he goes along so as to reinforce previous instruction rather than leaving it to one time chance. A very good and approachable teaching style, in my opinion. He is a good addition to a team that already produces good quality content.

Is this in the right section?


No it is not! But that has been fixed!

I am so use to blender and the blender community here that even in the coding section I assume blender. Shows you where my head is at :slight_smile:


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