Compiler error during SimpleShooter Mega Challenge

Refer to SimpleShooter Mega Challenge Tutorial to learn more about my activity in the SimpleShooter Mega Challenge.

I was compling some code when the complier failed and showed a error message.

Compiler Log:

Invalidating makefile for SimpleShooterEditor (source file removed)
Parsing headers for SimpleShooterEditor
  Running UnrealHeaderTool "D:\Coding Projects\Unreal games\SimpleShooter Mega Challenge\Tutorial try\SimpleShooter\SimpleShooter.uproject" "D:\Coding Projects\Unreal games\SimpleShooter Mega Challenge\Tutorial try\SimpleShooter\Intermediate\Build\Win64\SimpleShooterEditor\Development\SimpleShooterEditor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -abslog="C:\Users\KP (Owner)\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log_UHT.txt" -installed
Reflection code generated for SimpleShooterEditor in 7.9807263 seconds
Building SimpleShooterEditor...
Using Visual Studio 2019 14.28.29336 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333) and Windows 10.0.18362.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
Building 29 actions with 12 processes...
  [1/29] Default.rc2
  [2/29] SharedPCH.Engine.ShadowErrors.cpp
  [3/29] ShooterAIController.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [4/29] KillEmAllGameMode.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [5/29] MyPawn.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [6/29] Gun.cpp
  [7/29] SimpleShooter.cpp
  [8/29] SimpleShooterGameModeBase.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [9/29] ShooterCharacter.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [10/29] BTTask_Shoot.gen.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [11/29] Gun.gen.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [12/29] KillEmAllGameMode.gen.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [13/29] MyPawn.gen.cpp
  [14/29] BTTask_ClearBlackBoardValue.cpp
  [15/29] BTService_PlayerLocation.cpp
  [16/29] ShooterCharacter.gen.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [17/29] BTTask_Shoot.cpp
  [18/29] ShooterPlayerController.gen.cpp
  c1xx: error C3859: Failed to create virtual memory for PCH
  c1xx: note: the system returned code 1455: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details
  c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached
  [19/29] SimpleShooter.init.gen.cpp
  [20/29] BTService_PlayerLocation.gen.cpp
  [21/29] BTService_PlayerLocationIfSeen.cpp
  [22/29] BTService_PlayerLocationIfSeen.gen.cpp
  [23/29] SimpleShooterGameModeBase.gen.cpp
  [24/29] BTTask_ClearBlackBoardValue.gen.cpp
  [25/29] ShooterAIController.gen.cpp
  [26/29] ShooterPlayerController.cpp

I noted the part that said

    c1xx: fatal error C1076: compiler limit: internal heap limit reached

and the part that said

  c1xx: note: please visit for more details

The webpage of the link was titled “Precompiled Header (PCH) issues and recommendations” and I followed the solution “Manually managing the Windows pagefile”. It allowed me to compile the code and everything seemed normal again.

However, after reading the whole webpage I am worried that I should follow the other tips and solutions there, which I do not completely understand.

If someone can help me with doing “Reducing the size of your PCH” that would be nice.

(Everyday for the last month or so, I have been adding and removing spaces from UE_4.22\Engine\Binaries\Win64\ before I did my first compile of the day. This was to make my compiling faster. I am worried that this activity made my PCH too large.

If you want to know more about reducing compiling times by saving, visit

Update 2021-03-24:
I still have this compliling error sometimes. I can just hit compile again and the compiler would work nomally, but I want to prevent this error from happening forever.

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